friday april 25th

saturday april 26th

east vs west

dallas sumo club & rollertown beerworks 

free admission both days!

lots of food, plenty to drink and tons of sumo!

click here to

click here to

america’s most unique sumo tournament

competitors will be drafted into east & west teams and go head-to-head to compete for more wins than losses over the course of 15 bouts.

featuring international sumo wrestlers

former professional sumo wrestler gagamaru returns and will host a training seminar!

friday april 25

12 pm: Training seminar
w/ former Komusubi Gagamaru Masaru (Kise-beya)

3 pm: Chankonabe & Kick-off Ceremony

5 pm: East Vs West Team Draft
w/ The Ben & Skin Show

saturday april 26

11 am: Opening Ceremony w/ Dallas Kiyari Daiko

12 pm: Sumo Tournament

5 pm: Awards Ceremony

6 pm: Karaoke After-Party

click here to

rollertown beerworks

412 N Oklahoma St, 106, Celina, TX 75009


more information coming soon…